House District 115
Ruth Smith
As a small business owner, Ruth Smith knows how hard soaring prices are hitting middle and working class families, which is why her top priority will be to enact economic policies that put middle class and working class North Carolina families first. Ruth wants to cut taxes so families can keep more of their hard-earned money.
of voters said they would be more likely to vote for Smith after learning this. This was the most persuasive message with moderates, persuadable voters, and likely voters.
Ruth Smith knows how important a quality education is for our future. She’s the proud daughter of a public school teacher and the mother of two children who graduated from our public schools. She supports a plan to increase parental involvement in education while raising teacher pay and increasing funding for classrooms, not bureaucrats.
of voters said they would be more likely to vote for Smith after learning this. This was the most persuasive message for unaffiliated voters, persuadable voters, and voters that switched from Smith to Prather. This was the second most persuasive message for undecideds, likely voters, and moderates.
Ruth Smith has dedicated her life’s work to defending victims. She will be a tireless
fighter to strengthen public safety. She’ll always make sure our law enforcement and other
first responders have the resources they need to keep our families and neighborhoods safe.
of voters said they would be more likely to vote for Smith after learning this.
Ruth Smith supports a plan to increase funding for school safety. Her plan will make schools safer by renovating school buildings to be more secure and by investing in more School Resource Officers and more mental health professionals in our schools.
of voters said they would be more likely to vote for Smith after learning this.
Ruth Smith stood up to extremists pushing unfair affirmative action policies in Asheville and believes in merit-based hiring, not hiring based on racial quotas. In the State House, Ruth will oppose efforts to push DEI and other race-based indoctrination that teaches people to distrust each other.
of voters said they would be more likely to vote for Smith after learning this.
Lindsey Prather
Lindsey Prather is pushing a bill that would eliminate math and science positions in schools, increase class sizes in kindergarten through third grade, and remove protections for Exceptional Children programs in order to create a new multi-billion-dollar bureaucracy that would micromanage how principals run their schools and teachers manage their classrooms.
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this. This was the most persuasive message with moderates, likely voters, undecideds, and voters that switched from Prather to Smith.
Lindsey Prather is more worried about herself than she is about us. She wants to raise her own pay and raise our taxes to pay for it.
Source 1: Internet and Social Media Report
Source 2
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this. This was the most effective message for voters that list Inflation as their top issue and persuadable voters. This was the second most effective message with undecided voters, likely voters, and moderates.
Lindsey Prather voted to allow biological males to participate in girls’ and women’s sports in middle school, high school, and college.
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this.
At a time when violent crime is rising, Lindsey Prather sided with radical progressives instead of law enforcement and filed a bill to repeal the death penalty.
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this.
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this.
Lindsey Prather is pushing a bill that would require teachers and principals to undergo racist DEI training, introduce Critical Race Theory into our state’s K-12 public schools, and establish race-based hiring quotas in education.
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this.
Lindsey Prather is a radical partisan who would rather pick fights than work together to solve problems. She has repeatedly voted against commonsense, bipartisan solutions such as teacher pay raises and funding for law enforcement.
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this.
Thousands of illegal immigrants cross our southern border every day, but Lindsey Prather voted to block local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement officials.
of voters said they would be less likely to vote for Prather after learning this.