Representative Chris Humphrey is a Republican member of the North Carolina House of Representatives, running for re-election in District 12, which covers Lenoir, Jones, and Greene Counties.
Born in Eastern North Carolina and raised in Kinston, Chris grew up very engaged in the community with a strong work ethic, going on to become an Eagle Scout. Chris then received his Associate of Arts degree from Lenoir Community College and his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Throughout his adult life, Chris has remained active in Eastern North Carolina, having served as a Lenoir County Commissioner for 8 years in addition to his service on the La Grange Town Council for 3 years. His involvement locally also included time as President of the La Grange Chamber of Commerce and as a member of both Kinston and Goldsboro Kiwanis Clubs and the Goldsboro Civitans. He was active in the Kinston-Lenoir County Life Underwriters Association and is the former President of the La Grange Rotary Club. He is now a member of the Rotary Club of Kinston and is a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow. He was appointed to the Lenoir Community College Board of Trustees by Governor Pat McCrory, and has served on the LCC Foundation Board as a member of the Finance Committee for over 15 years. Chris is Past Master of St. John’s Lodge #4 and is a Shriner.
At the beginning of the 2021 Session, Chris was appointed by House Speaker Tim Moore to serve as Chairman of the House Insurance Committee and to serve as a committee member on Agriculture, Appropriations, Appropriations – Agriculture and Natural & Economic Resources, Energy & Public Utilities, and Health. Chris was also was appointed by Majority Leader John Bell to serve on the Disaster Relief and Mitigation working group, which resulted in an historic investment towards flood resilience in North Carolina. Additionally, Chris serves as a Member of the American Flood Coalition. Chris has previously served as Majority Whip of the Freshmen Caucus.
This session, Chris co-sponsored legislation that brought a record amount of disaster relief funding to Eastern North Carolina, enhanced broadband connectivity to rural areas, supported the Aviation program at Lenoir Community College, provided resources for the NC Global TransPark and ECU Brody School of Medicine, and promoted fiscal conservatism and good governance.
Chris continues to live in Kinston, NC with his wife Terry. He has two daughters, Bailey and Courtney. Bailey is a recent UNC graduate and Courtney is an 11th grader at North Lenoir High School in La Grange. Chris enjoys attending college basketball and football games, visiting Eastern North Carolina beaches as well as Lake Gaston, traveling and spending time with his family. Chris and his family attend Bethel FWB Church in Kinston.