Born in 1955, Larry was born and raised in Johnston County. Larry was raised on a tobacco farm in the Brogden community, and for the past 30 years has been a resident of Pine Level.
Wanting to give back to his home county, Larry has been an active member of the community for decades. For 18 years Larry served on the Johnston County Board of Education, and served as it's Chairman for 8 years.
Aside from the Board of Education Larry has served on the Deacon Board of the Pine Level Free Will Baptist Church, Chairman of the Johnston County School Advisory Board, and also a member of the Pine Level Lions Club.
In his professional career Larry and his Brother co-own the Strickland Brothers Farm, LLC. Also prior to serving as State Rep, Larry worked for the North Carolina Department of Transportation, most recently as Assistant Manager of the Right of Way Unit.
In 2016, Larry Strickland was elected as State Representative of NC House District 28. Since joining the legislature, Larry has served as a member of the Agriculture, Appropriations, Appropriations Transportation, Energy and Public Utilities, Environment, State and Local Government I, and Transportation Committees.