Memorial Day is this weekend and it is a time to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. North Carolina is home to 14 military bases and has one of the largest military presence in the country.

“On Memorial Day, we pause and honor those who gave their lives defending our country. These men and women are true American heroes. We live in the greatest country in the world thanks to their selfless service and sacrifice. Let us never forget- and always honor and remember our fallen.” Stated Majority Leader John Bell.
In the state budget that was signed into law in November 2021, a provision was included to exempt military pensions from state income tax. North Carolina has the fifth largest military population out of all states. 8 of these major installations provide $66 billion in impact to North Carolina’s economy annually.

“I am thankful my colleagues in the House recognize it is time for North Carolina to join the majority of other states who provide this tax relief to those who have sacrificed and served our great nation.” Stated Representative John Szoka, a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel. Majority Leader John Bell and Representative John Szoka did an op-ed in The Fayetteville Observer titled “Supporting North Carolina’s military families.” Their article discusses policy changes affecting active-duty service members, retirees and veterans.